UNDP "Women in STEM" mentorship program

Welcome to Our Mentorship Program!

UNDP "Women in STEM" mentorship program aims to equip young female professionals and students with the tools and advice they need to address the challenges they'll face in their education and careers.

The key objectives of the program are:

  • to inspire and grow female professionals across the industries (S - science, T - technology, E - engineering, M - math);
  • to help young women to develop a meaningful relationship with STEM role models;
  • to create a community of like-minded people and enable opportunities to leverage professional connections;

Program details:

Program duration: 9 months

  • Mentors and mentees after the acceptance to the program to be paired by program coordinators and switched every three months;
  • Every mentee can have only one mentor assigned by the program coordinator and more mentors as per individual agreement with mentors on the platform;
  • Every mentor is supposed to have one mentee assigned by the program coordinator and more mentees as per individual agreement with mentors on the platform.
  • Mentors and mentees have to organize their coaching sessions bi-weekly and reflect them on the platform.
  • Mentors and mentees have to identify mentees' KPIs in the beginning of mentorship period for the duration of three months.
  • Both parties to fill in feedback form by the end of three months period and submit to program coordinators.



  • Female STEM students (bachelor and masters degree);
  • Young female STEM professionals (0-3 years of experience);
  • Female start-up founders;


  • STEM professionals with 5+ years of experience;
  • STEM academia professionals with 5+ years of experience;
  • Successful start-up founders with 5+ business experience;

To apply for one of the mentioned roles, please send your CV and motivational letter (500 words max) to leyla.seyidzade@undp.org. Please answer the following questions:

  • your story;
  • your expectations from the program;
  • individual goals you want to achieve.
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