Product Hive Mentorship Program

Welcome to the Product Hive 2023 Mentorship Program! 🎉

Applications for the Feb 2023 - Apr 2023 cohort are open now till Feb 3rd.

Key Dates

  • Application Process Opens: Today

  • Application Deadline: Feb 3

  • Invitations will be sent out Feb 4-5th

  • Pairing Selection Opens: Feb 6 through Feb 10

  • Mentor / Mentee Meetings should start shortly after being paired and run regularly till the end of April.


What is the Product Hive Mentorship Program?

The Product Hive Mentorship Program helps connect mentors and mentees seeking to develop their professional skills in the fields of product management, product design, and research. Our mission is to cultivate a community of UX/PM professionals who empower each other, support each other, and achieve greater success through partnering with other product professionals in the industry.

Why should I sign up?

Whether you sign up as a mentor or mentee, the mentorship program is designed to help you grow in your career and learn from others in the community.

As a mentor you’ll have the opportunity to help the next generation of product professionals grow and develop, and contribute to strengthening the Product Hive community. Many mentors also report they’ve learned valuable insights from their mentees through their conversations and questions.

If you’re being mentored, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from someone with real world experience, and who can help you reach your goals with relevant insights and advice

Who can be a mentor?

The Product Hive Mentorship program doesn’t work without mentors!

If you’re early in your career you might think you don’t have enough experience to be a mentor. However, the most effective mentorships happen when a mentee is paired with a mentor who is just a few steps ahead of them in their career. This ensures that the mentor can relate to the mentee, and can draw on recent experience to help their mentee get to the next step in their career.

The most important skills you need to be a good mentor is the ability to listen, and to ask questions. We encourage anyone who is interested in helping others grow in their career to sign up to be a mentor. We will match you appropriately, based on your role and experience.

How are people matched?

This year we are trying a new approach where each mentor will fill out a profile, and then mentees will be able to choose from a pool of mentors.

Does the mentorship program cost anything?

The Product Hive Mentorship Program is free. No financial remuneration should be requested/suggested by mentors, nor should it be offered by mentees. This is an entirely altruistic endeavor, in support of changing the world through personal connections, building meaningful relationships, and accelerating individual professional growth.

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